Wednesday, August 19, 2015


There is a lot in the news about Human Trafficking - and for good reason. This is not an overseas problem that we can ignore anymore - it's right here in our own backyards. The Human Trafficking Industry is the second largest and fastest growing criminal activity in the world, rapidly taking over drugs and narcotics! Our immediate thought is the rescue of these helpless victims. But how? While this is a noble thought, we must be careful to think through our ideas. What would we do with someone if we did rescue them? Are we prepared to help them through the post traumatic stress and the work it would take to assimilate them back into society? This is not something we can do alone.*

This Sunday, my husband's message will come from Colossians 1:13:
"For He (Jesus) has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves."
Our Almighty, Omnipotent God has already thought through His rescue plan. From the beginning of creation, He knew that He would send His one and only Son to make a way for us to go from a life of sin and darkness to a life in the kingdom of freedom and light!

*A friend told us about an organization that is in the business of rescuing victim from Human Trafficking. You can check them out at:

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