Thursday, October 16, 2014


Fall has always been my favorite time of the year for two main reasons. One, I love color and the red, orange and yellow leaves against the bright green grass and bright blue sky are breathtaking. Second, I'm not one for extremes. I don't like the sweltering hot summer or the bitter cold winter. Fall is perfect.

But would I think fall is perfect if I didn't just experience the heat of summer? I doubt it. I need all the seasons. Therefore, I don't want to dread this coming winter - even if everyone keeps talking about how bad it will be. I want to embrace it. I want to find the beauty in it. After God destroyed the earth with a flood, He said: 
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22
Why would God intentionally keep the seasons after the flood? He could have said "This time I'm not going to do the season thing. It didn't work out well the last time." But He didn't! So I'm guessing there is a purpose for each one.

In the same way, I need all the seasons in my life. The extremes and the "in-betweens". The question is, am I willing to embrace each one? 

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