Friday, April 1, 2016

In to heal

During the month of April, my husband will be focusing on the first part of our motto: "In to heal." It seems that when we developed the motto almost 5 years ago, we had a completely different congregation, so it makes sense to teach a whole new wave of people what our intention was when we came up with it.

When a person visits our church, most often they are looking for something. For some it's simply a new church home, and for others, it's hope or direction during, or after, a difficult season in their lives. But, no matter their reason, they are there and God expects that His people will act like His Son did when people came to Him. What did Jesus do for people who came to Him?
  1. He fed crowds.
  2. He forgave sin.
  3. He healed diseases.
  4. He taught them.
  5. He modeled love.
  6. He gave His life.
All of these things together bring healing to the whole person - the spirit, soul, mind and body. Our church (which represents the Body of Christ), must follow the example of Christ and offer healing to everyone who comes to us. And each person in the Body of Christ is responsible to participate in healing. Most often it will be in the very same way that God healed them, but before any type of healing can take place, we must make sure that the person has made Jesus Christ LORD of his/her life. Salvation is the ultimate healing.

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