Thursday, March 17, 2016

Everyone likes a winner

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. The account of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, with people spreading palm branches on the road for Him is recorded in all four gospels. (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-44; John 12: 12-19) It is referred to as "The Triumphal Entry."

Why do we like this part of the story of Jesus so much? Perhaps it's because everyone likes a winner? Who doesn't like to be associated with someone who is receiving shouts of praise from the crowds? Matthew 21:10 says that "the whole city was stirred." In John 12:19b, the Pharisees said to one another, "Look how the whole world has gone after Him." All that excitement without any social media! Impressive.

Yet the one person who was not impressed was Jesus Himself.  In fact, He was weeping (Luke 19:41-42) because many of His own people failed to recognize Him. More than that, His own disciples would not understand the full meaning of what was taking place until later (John 12:16). Jesus knew there was suffering ahead. Then death. Then resurrection. I often find myself "stuck" wanting to stay in the Palm Sunday mode. I like it when I feel like I'm a winner. I don't like the thought of the suffering and death that lies ahead. So what got Jesus past being stuck in the Palm Sunday mode? Gethsemane. The place where He surrendered His will, once and for all. As Christ-followers, we can't get to our resurrection without going to Gethsemane too.

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