I like to learn. I also like to share what I've learned.
In this post, I want to share something I read in a newsletter we receive from the Pensions and Benefits office of the Church of the Nazarene. The article I will quote from is by Daron Brown, a pastor in TN. You can read the full article at http://www.pbusa.org/index.php/enews-leftmenu/september-october-2016?id=884 but I want to highlight here what stood out to me.
In the article, Pastor Brown suggests that between reading the Word of God and applying it to our lives, ask: "What was God up to?" He says that "There is nothing more important than seeking the activity of God." "God is not detached, nor is He passive. He is actively involved in our world. The point of the Bible is to illustrate the activity of God. In it, He was creating, calling, moving, blessing, descending, incarnating, healing, serving, saving, renewing, restoring, sanctifying, and empowering. When we begin to discern what God was up to in the settings of these passages, the Holy Spirit leads us to understand what He is up to in our present day. God is consistent, and His seamless story continues to unfold. He is still saving and renewing and healing. His activity is ongoing."
Wow. Yet another confirmation of how important it is to read and meditate on God's Word.
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