Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spring Forward

I received an Email a few weeks ago from someone who had left our church body. I had been praying for guidance to know if I was to respond or not. Then, yesterday, it was a warm and sunny day, so I was able to take a walk outside. While winter hasn't completely given up it's foothold, there are definite signs of spring in the air! As I looked at the brilliant blue sky, saw the tiny buds on the trees, and heard the excited chorus of birds, my thoughts drifted to spring and Daylight Saving Time when we will all turn our clocks ahead - or - "spring forward."

Then I realized that I had my answer. Just as we leave winter behind and spring forward, I am to do the same with people or events in my past that will not fit into my future. Why would I want to bring any part of winter into spring? This is a new season! And not only is there evidence of that all around me in the physical world, there is evidence of a new season approaching in our church body and in our school. God speaks to us in many ways. Yesterday it was in the beauty and order of His creation. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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