As I was drying my hair this morning, I couldn't help but think about my vision. OK, bear with me. You see, I was born with naturally curly hair. The kind that NEVER lends itself to one of those beautiful, smooth ponytails EVERYONE but me seems to be able to wear. My hair has a mind of it's own, which I fought with for years. In high school I spent an hour painstakingly straightening it each morning. Then one day, in my senior year, I was just too tired to get up that early, and went to school with my hair in all it's naturally curly glory. My classmates couldn't believe it, They all thought I had gotten a perm. More importantly, they LOVED it. All those years I had tried to make myself look like what I thought others wanted me to look like, when all along they liked me just the way I was.
If I am a Christ-follower, then God has also given me natural gifts and talents and He has a purpose for them. I may not think what I've been given is the greatest thing, but I have a feeling, that if I use those gifts and talents as God intended, God will be glorified and I will be blessed.
So as I begin to write out my vision, I will first ask God to reveal His purpose for me through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, I will reflect on the gifts and talents that He has given me by asking Him to help me recall those times in my life that I felt my best in each of the areas that I am about to write out my vision statement for. (Personal, Familial, Professional/Vocational/Call, Spiritual/Faith, Community/Church) Feeling your best is one indication that you were on the right track.
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