Thursday, May 14, 2015

Someone has got to die

I took the title of this blog post from what I frequently say to women who have come to me about some trouble in their marriage. "Someone has got to die," I say. Then I add, "Preferably both of you." What I mean, of course, is that for a marriage to work, each of us must die to our sinful, selfish desires. It means we give up what we want, so our spouse gets what they want. Most often (not always) when we do that out of obedience to our LORD, our spouse responds by dying to what they want. A win-win. However, when we both choose not to die to our selfish desires, the relationship will likely dissolve.

This Sunday, my husband will be speaking on Romans 6:23 which says:
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD."
In our relationship to Christ, someone had to die. He has already made the first move. He willingly laid down His life so that we may gain eternal life. We can choose to accept that, and respond by receiving that gift, or we can say "No thank you," and dissolve that relationship. Death or life - our choice.

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