If you've been around church for a while, you've probably heard some people mention "the mark of the beast." They are referring to Revelation 13:17. Apparently, in the end times, people will have to have some sort of mark to buy or sell. Now that I've gotten your attention, I'd rather like to focus on a
different kind of mark. One that identifies us as God's adopted children.
Remember, God has no "grandchildren." You are either His child (because you yourself made a decision to accept Jesus Christ into your life) or you're not. How do we know if we are children of God? 2 Corinthians 1:22 says:
"and He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything He has promised us."
So the Holy Spirit is the evidence. Now we need to go further. This Sunday's sermon will come out of Romans 8:14-17. In this passage, we see that those who are true sons of God:
- Are led by the Spirit.
- Are no longer slaves to fear. (They fear God, not man)
- Are heirs with God and co heirs with Christ.
- Share in the sufferings of Christ.
- Share in the glory of Christ.
Here is another helpful tool written by Philip Ryken. Answer these questions honestly. If you are not sure you are born again, make an appointment with my husband (Pastor John) so he can lead you through the birth process.
□Yes □No Am I living a life of radical Christian discipleship?
□Yes □No Am I finding deeper satisfaction with God in worship?
□Yes □No Do I have a growing hunger to pray and study God’s Word?
□Yes □No Is my heart growing more tender toward others, especially people I find it hard to love?
□Yes □No Am I serving my family and friends in ways that can lead them closer to Christ?
□Yes □No Do I have an increasing desire and ability to glorify God in my daily work?
□Yes □No Am I standing for Christ in my community?
□Yes □No Do I have a growing and tangible commitment to world missions?
□Yes □No Am I actively pursuing friendships with people who need to hear the gospel?
□Yes □No Am I becoming more patient with life’s difficulties and disappointments, both large and small?
□Yes □No Am I using my money in sacrificial ways that reflect my ultimate spiritual priorities?
□Yes □No Am I reaching out to anyone in mercy, seeking nothing in return?
□Yes □No Am I maintaining total sexual purity?
□Yes □No Am I thinking less of myself and more of others?
□Yes □No And most important of all, am I really growing in my love for Christ?
If we are not growing in these areas, then the Bible urges us not to be conformed any longer to the pattern of these post-Christian times, but be transformed by God’s renewing of our minds.
-from City on a Hill by Philip Graham Ryken