The most recent beheading of a second American journalist makes me recall the slaying of 5 American Missionaries at the hands of the Huaorani warriors back on January 8, 1956.
There is, however, a key difference in their stories. Jim Elliot and his 4 friends were prepared to die to see the Quechua Indians in Ecuador brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Jim's journal entry for October 28, 1949, expresses his belief that work dedicated to Jesus was more important than his life (see Luke 9:24 in the Bible). "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
One of the most amazing facts of the account of their slaying was that the missionaries had guns with them when they were attacked and speared to death. They had decided beforehand that they would not use them on the people they were trying to reach. Why? They stated that they knew they were going to heaven, but these Indians would not, unless they were saved.
I cannot help but ask myself "Am I prepared to die?"
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