Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rebuilding is possible.

I am currently reading through Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament. Much of it centers around the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the 70 year exile in Babylon. This topic of rebuilding is especially interesting to me as I navigate a season of rebuilding in many different areas of my own life. One of those areas is the rebuilding of a lost relationship. As with the Israelites, I was responsible for the break in the relationship. Therefore, although the separation was difficult, it was not a surprise. But what is more surprising is the methodical, merciful way God orchestrates rebuilding.

Here is what I am learning.

  1. God usually gives you a promise regarding the restoration. (Jeremiah 29:10)
  2. Well meaning family & friends will want to see your relationship repaired quickly so they might make suggestions that you must ignore. (Jeremiah 28) Stay focused in prayer and wait on God!
  3. God will move the heart of the one you've offended toward you! (This happened to me!)
  4. The enemy will not be happy about the rebuilding. (Ezra 4; Nehemiah 4) He uses fear and lies to weaken and intimidate us. (Nehemiah 6)
  5. The relationship will not be the same (the temple was never the same as when Solomon built it), but it will still be a blessing to God.
  6. Give thanks!

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