Last Sunday's focus was the
Miraculous Conception of Jesus Christ. We learned that the seed that was planted in Mary is the same seed that is planted in us at our new birth. It is the Holy Spirit.
This Sunday we will focus on the
Humble Birth of Jesus Christ. As always, Jesus' life - from His conception to His resurrection - is an example, a pattern for us of how we are to live out our lives here on earth. In John 3:5, Jesus told Nicodemus that "no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." Jesus was born of a woman, born of water. He was also born of the Spirit.
We are also faced with the example of a God who would humble Himself to the extent of being born in the flesh, in a barn. What an example of humility! This makes us come face to face with our own pride and we are brought low. But we also come face to face with a God who saves the humble (Psalm 18:27). I have been born of water, but because of the example and mercy of Jesus Christ, I have also been born again. Hallelujah! What a Savior!