Has anyone asked you this question lately? I found the following assessment in Dr. Walt Larimore's book
The Highly Healthy Child, which is, unfortunately, now out of print. Since our church's motto is "In to heal. Out to love," it is important that we be moving toward health so we
can go out to love. Take the test. If you are not healthy, why not? What are some changes you need to make? If you're not sure, make an appointment with your pastor. That's what he is there for!
Barna Spiritual Journey Assessment
How true is this characteristic of you?
1 = Not at all or never
2 = Not much or rarely
3 = Somewhat or occasionally
4 = Often or usually
5 = Completely or always
1. You maintain an intense level of respect, awe, humility, and gratitude toward God-in acknowledgement of his superiority and perfection. _____
2. You effectively share the substance of your faith with people who have an interest in it. _____
3.You pray for the needs and future of others. _____
4. The choices and decisions you make are based on spiritual principles and values. _____
5. Your speech and behavior pleases God. _____
6. When you pray, you both speak and listen to God. _____
7. Worship is not just an event you attend-you try to live your life as an act of worship to God. _____
8. You are held morally and spiritually accountable by others who know and care for you. _____
9. You give away your time, abilities, and money sacrificially for the benefit of the needy. _____
10. You fight injustice and inequality. _____
11. You strive to live out the "Golden Rule"-to love other people as you want them to love you. _____
12. Your attitudes, values, and thoughts please God. _____
Add up your score. A score of forty-eight or higher indicates you are likely to be spiritually healthy; a score of twenty-four or lower indicates you may not be spiritually healthy.