Imagine for a moment - "Always giving thanks for all things..." Could you imagine how this practice would transform our mental and emotional disposition? There really is no way to be negative or to despair, and give thanks at the same time. There is no way to focus on the scars of the past and give thanks at the same time. Giving thanks is a powerful way to begin to dispel the haze of frustration and depression that too often grips our lives.
When we decide to "give thanks for all things," it will feel weird, even deceitful (you feel like you are even trying to fool yourself). As first we may struggle to find things to be thankful for. Many things will not seem worthy of thanksgiving. The transition from frustration to thanksgiving may be long and arduous, but it is worth it.
Verse 19 of Ephesians 5 reveals the result of giving thanks for all things - "making melody with your heart to the LORD." This resounding joy echos through the deepest resources of our lives, radiating to everyone we touch. Doesn't it just make sense to "always give thanks for all things?"